Table of Contents


You can support the wireless-meshup in several ways!


You can volunteer to the organization of the event. Please contact organizers through


Please fill in which hardware can you bring to the wireless-meshup on the contribution's page. Or what else do you like to contribute, e.g. your local food specialties for the barbecue. Be creative!

Endorse the Event

Many communities endorse and support “Mesh is in the air”. Endorsing means to announce the event on your mailinglist, twitter, website, blog or podcast which will express your community's involvement in the event. For example, some people of your community might come to the event; some others help with organizing or hold one or more talks and so on.

Additionally but not obligatorily, your community could also donate hardware or money to the event.

You will find an up to date list of the endorsers of the event here. Please adjust the template to your audience, publish it and send the link and your logo to be included below.

Blog Ping-Backs and Media Coverage